If you like to spend some time under the stars or want to experience the soft breeze of summers, then you have to also bear with the mosquitoes, flies and other outdoor creatures. So, if you don’t want to turn into a sweat machine in summers while experiencing some outdoor fun, then you should get a patio builder and design screen around your patio so that you can still stay inside and enjoy all the outdoor activities
You can read a book while basking under the soft rays of the sun coming through the filter of your screened glass and converse with your family under the protection of glass. So, if you want to design a screen room in your home, then the best Houston home builder – MC Bridge Construction is just one call away from you.
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Tips to Design Screen Rooms
If you don’t have any experience in designing the screen rooms, then below we have created a list of few tips that you can keep in your mind.
Use Lighter Shades
When you are working on the interior of your screen room, then make sure to select light hues for painting walls and furniture. The darker shades like red, blue, black, brown, etc., observe more heat and they will turn your screen room into a heating furnace. So, you should avoid the touch of dark shades and use light tone colors like green, white, yellow, etc., to design the interior of your screen rooms. These natural colors won’t only reduce the temperature of your outdoor room, but will also make it look more outdoorsy.
Use Wood Furniture
This is a very common mistake that has been committed by almost all homeowners. They opt for outdoor furniture for their screen rooms instead of the indoor furniture. Well, you do not forget that screen rooms might be facing the outside view, but it is also an enclosed space so you need to opt for furniture accordingly. You can’t use tacky plastic lawn chairs and umbrella-covered glass tables in your enclosed patio. You have to use sophisticated wooden furniture to enhance the appearance of your outdoor facing screen room.
Spice It Up
You should not leave your screen room completely barren. It is a room in your home so you should decorate it similarly you have decorated other rooms in your room. You can use a variety of décor items to enhance the appearance of your screen room like hang drapes, add quirky lights and you can even hang paintings on the glass walls as per your desire. To add more outdoorsy feel to the room, you can also use plants to bring up the natural essence.
Design a Theme
To make your screen room look entertaining, you can pick a theme and decorate your entire room around it. You can select a beach theme or forest theme or maybe pirates of the Caribbean theme, you can pick any kind of theme here and go crazy. The biggest advantage in designing a screen room is that it doesn’t need to match the reset of your home’s interior, you can select an entirely different theme for your screen room. It is a unique addition to your home so you can make it as unique as possible.
Add a Bar
It doesn’t matter whether you are not much of a drinker, but having a bar in your screen room can be a great addition for you. You can stock bar as per your taste with tropical juices or some finger snacks. If you have a bar in the screen room, then you don’t have to go back and forth between your kitchen when you want a quick refreshment. Moreover, if you want to host small gatherings in the screen room with a couple of your friends, then the bar will come handy for you.
The screened patio is a very useful and relaxing part of your home so you can ask your home construction guy to add up all the essential elements in it. You can design and decorate screen rooms just like any other part of your home with lots of love and creativity.