With the constant development and advancements in science, automobile, and technology, among others. There has been a constant hike in the adverse by-products and side effects due to the same. With more and more vehicles coming on the road and emitting harmful gases, more and more electronic equipment is being sold and bought, which release similar harmful gases, photons and light rays, among others. We have advanced as humans but have grown inconsiderate and ignorant of the threats our advancements have brought/bring along with them. With most modern products releasing certain by-products as waste, it is increasingly alarming for mankind. As the use of these products becomes a necessity and no more a luxury, the emission and waste have increased too, and it is upon us to keep a check on it as responsible citizens.
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The Need Of The Hour
As we keep utilizing and enjoying the perks of technology and nature, we must realize its overuse may affect us as a species and our habitat. The environment. Carbon monoxide emissions from our vehicles are a significant contributor to greenhouse gases and global warming, and emissions from our refrigerators deplete the ozone layer. The environment has and is being adversely affected by us. While humans must address the issue as a race. It is our responsibility to take care and look out for the environment just as we individually pose harm to it in our little unknowing involuntary ways. Recycling the wood waste will help to keep the environment safe.
Use Paper. Wisely
We may save paper in today’s digital environment by keeping data in files on our computers rather than printing it out on paper. In the end, we save the environment. Another option is to use a small amount of paper and tear it from the corner rather than scribbling in the center.
The remaining space on the page can be used for other purposes. We can save a lot of energy in paper production, reduce the number of trees cut down each year, and eventually live green by using less paper.
Unplug. Switch Off
We have grown exceedingly complacent with devices we use and often plug them in for hours, go to sleep with our phones or other devices put on charge and more. While modern devices are built so as not to be harmed by overcharging, the method still uselessly uses up an extra load of current. Change or adapt the habit of judiciously using the power. Switching off the keys when not in use and not plug away things forever.
Invest. Progress
While using current wisely is an alternative. You could consider making the most out of the savings process instead of buying better products. Remember the old saying, ‘prevention is better than cure. Invest in products with better power efficiency and ratings. Try switching to eco-friendly devices like electric vehicles and solar-powered electronics etc. While they may cost you more initially, the monthly expenditure on these would be exceedingly less as compared to conventional devices and products and would last longer too. What better than saving the environment and saving a few extra bucks.
The age-old, golden 3Rs of reuse, reduce and recycle. Forever applicable and practical. Try abiding by them. Reuse whatever commodities you no longer use or plan to throw away and eliminate them with innumerable DIY tricks available online. Use the internet for a good cause. Reuse them as alternatives to buying products. It is the easiest and most efficient way of being environmentally conscious, responsible and respectful of the environmental adversities of mass-produced commodities in the market. Try avoiding a new product for every minor inconvenience or need. Instead, make use of what you have at your disposal.
From grocery shopping to office travel and more. Whatever is done in groups of numbers, do it together. It saves the environment from harm and saves up a significant amount of money for everyone involved. Instead of driving to get groceries, etc., get it all delivered weekly at a nearby place where you and your neighbours could pick it up. Instead of taking your private vehicle to work every day, opt for public transport or pool with your co-workers where you decide upon one person picking up the rest on the way to the common or close by workplace. Splitting up the cost and, more importantly, the harmful effects on the environment, which otherwise every individual would have produced in the process.
Plant Protect
While the list discusses what you could cut out on and reduce daily to progress towards a better environment, this point relishes a practice where you don’t need to break out of or change a long-running habit. Planting a tree is the best way we could try to balance the environmental dystopia we have created. While it’s essential to repair the damage done, it’s equally important to look out and implement ways to protect and build a better, more sustainable future for the environment and us, inhabitants of the world.
The list could go on forever. The 6 ones mentioned above are basics to a rarely ending guideline. What’s important is to be responsible, conscious and wise in our decisions and actions daily.
Infographic Provided By The Solar Energy Company, Route 66 Solar