Robot vacuums relieve the cleaning burden that modern homeowners are subjected to. Working long hours and then returning home to a messy home that needs to be vacuumed can be mentally draining for most, with robotic vacuums alleviating the burden. They can be scheduled to clean when a homeowner is at work or away from the home and can be summoned to clean at random. The machines require no physical cleaning labor and are controlled by a smartphone app, beating out traditional vacuums and their need to be manually operated! Robotic vacuums can spot clean your home and clean up rapidly accumulating pet hair, dirt, and other debris. Claiming to be too tired to maintain the cleanliness of your home is an excuse that has been done away with as a result of the invention of robotic vacuums.
When purchasing a robotic vacuum to clean your home for you, a homeowner needs to purchase the best available product on the market to cater to his or her needs. Neato Robotics’ vacuums are at the forefront of the industry, possessing large amounts of competitive advantages when compared to its rivals. Their machines are uniquely shaped and look like the letter “D” which permits the robots to vacuum hard to reach corners that its competitors cannot access due to their round shape. Neato’s robot comes equipped with lidar technology, utilizing lasers to map the layout of a home and mapping obstacles that the robot could possibly collide with such as furniture or stairs. Neato’s lidar protects the robot and prevents it from getting into trouble or getting stuck, inspiring seamless and fully autonomous cleaning. Lidar technology is also utilized as no-go lines can be designated in your home via the Neato mobile app, disallowing the robot to enter certain parts of your home based on your preference. Vacuuming for nearly 2 hours on high power settings, pet hair and miscellaneous debris can be complete eradicated while you’re not even in the house. Do not hesitate and check out the best robotic vacuum on the market and keep your home clean on a schedule set by you!