Most of us vacuum our carpets on a fairly regular basis, however, many people merely do it as part of their daily household cleaning routine without really considering why we need to be cleaning our carpets.
Some people vacuum to prolong the life of their carpets, while others may be house proud and vacuum to keep the appearance of their home clean and free from dust, fluff, pet hair, and dirt. Professional carpet cleaning offers more benefits than that. Many people are unaware of the added health benefits of having their carpets cleaned. For more information, visit justlikenew-cleaningcrew.com.au.
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How Does it Benefit you?
It will not only give your carpet that pristine look you’ve been trying to achieve yourself, but it will also improve your health. Patients with snoring, sleep apnea, asthma or other lung complications put themselves at greater risk of experiencing health complications if carpets are not cleaned appropriately and on a regular basis. So let’s take a closer look at what a professional clean can do for you and your carpet…
Getting Rid of Dust Mites
Dust mites are most certainly present in the home and are invisible to the human eye. Dust mites produce allergens which may cause people to suffer from allergies if not removed. Steam cleaning carpets kills dust mites that are usually embedded in them by blasting them at high temperatures and proves to be an extremely effective way to remove them once and for all!
Getting rid of Trapped Pollutants
There are many forms of pollutants in carpet, including insect allergens, pet dander (flecks of fur shed by animals), everyday dust and dirt, even traces of lead! Even the simplest of everyday activities, such as vacuuming, can release harmful gases into the air, contaminating your home. As a result of the toxic gas entering your body, your health could deteriorate. Expert carpet Cleaning companies use special shampooing formulas to remove trapped pollutants, regardless of how deep they may be buried.
Prevent the Growth of Mould
Standing water is commonly found in homes with high humidity levels, which will soak into carpet fibres and encourage the growth of mould that can lead to health risks like respiratory problems. A professional carpet cleaning includes a drying process, which removes any moisture left behind, removing any mould that was present previously, and preventing any new growth from appearing.
After reading the health benefits, you can see that cleaning carpets involves much more than simply collecting crumbs and fluff from the surface! You can benefit from a professionally cleaned carpet by contacting Scott & Sons .