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The Dangers of DIY Electrical Work

The Dangers of DIY Electrical Work

Electricity is complex, dangerous, and fatal. This is why every individual in Australia is required to secure a license before performing any type of electrical work, including wiring and installation. However, with the big cost associated with calling in a licensed electrician, many homeowners are tempted to take the risk and choose to deal with electrical problems on their own – which should never be the case.

Sure, DIY or Do-It-Yourself home projects, in most cases, can save you a whole lot of money. It’s also a great way to show how crafty and handy you are at home. But when it comes to your electrical system, it’s best to leave it to a professional. This is because there are a lot of dangers and risks that come with DIY electrical work, including the following:

1. Fire

A house fire is the first danger of trying to do electrical work yourself. Some of the common DIY mistakes that can cause this are faulty connections, overloading a circuit, using the wrong gauge wire, faulty installation of outlets and switches, and many more.

2. Electrocution

Aside from damages to your property due to a house fire, DIY electrical works can also result in injuries to you or your family. Worse, it may even lead to death. Electricity isn’t like carpentry where you can easily recover from hitting your thumb with a hammer. When you touch or connect the wrong wires, you may not have the same chance to recover. See, DIY electrical jobs put you and your loved ones at risk of electrocution or electric shocks – which can be fatal.

3. Costly Repairs

Even if you survive the process and don’t end up causing a fire, you still have to think about the result of your work. One mistake, no matter how little, can cause a failure and ruin the whole electrical system. And when that happens, you’ll end up hiring a professional and pay more than you would from the start. So instead of saving money, you are actually spending more than you have to by doing it yourself.

4. Unchecked Main Issue

One advantage of calling a licensed electrician is that you can expect thorough work. This includes inspection, finding the main cause of the problem, and putting an end to it. However, if you decide to DIY, there’s a big chance you’ll only apply a quick, easy, and cheap fix to the problem at hand without looking for what caused it. And if left unchecked, this main issue can lead to serious and more expensive damages in the future.

5. Violations

Almost all states and communities will require you to secure a building permit for any significant project on your electrical system. While this is important in knowing the taxable value of your home, its bigger purpose is to make sure all the electrical work done in your home is up to quality and safety standards. Usually, this permit is requested by a licensed electrician or contractor.

Also, remember that anyone who will perform any electrical job should have a license according to Australian law. This applies to both residential and commercial properties. So if you’re planning to DIY, prepare to be fined as much as $22,000 as an individual.

The worst thing about trying to DIY electrical jobs is that you may not realize the danger you have put yourself and your family into. So don’t take the risk and just call a licensed and certified electrician instead. And if you need one in the Sydney area, call Electrician to the Rescue at (02) 8729 0771. They are one of the most trusted sparkies in town with more than 30 years of experience. More importantly, they have the experience, skills, knowledge, and tools to rescue you from any electrical issue.

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