You’ve made the decision to upgrade the look of your home with flower window boxes
and planters. Congratulations! These accessories are one of the most affordable and effective ways to give your home a makeover. Before you rush out and purchase window boxes, however, you should know that some models are superior to others. Here’s a list of six features that are common to quality flower window boxes and planters.
Durable Construction
Gone are the days when natural wood was the superior material for flower window boxes and planters. Today, PVC offers much more durability. You’ll want to check out sites like FlowerWindowBoxes.com which offer models made from Versatex. This type of PVC material is built to last, and these planters could be the last you’ll ever need to buy.
Many types of window boxes and planters are hollow on the inside. This compromises structural integrity. PVC boxes have additional material inside the unit which helps to stabilize it and shore up strength.
Resistance to Pests and Rot
Another problem that is common among wooden containers is the retention of moisture. This moisture can lead to rot and mold, two problems that you don’t want in any context when it comes to your home. Moisture also creates a breeding ground for pests that can damage your plants and even your home.
Many PVC flower window boxes and planters come with a lifetime guarantee against rot. The material also does well in all climates. It won’t warp or crack when the temperatures get extreme.
Easy Installation
A strong appeal of flower window boxes and planters is that they can be installed by the homeowner – if you choose the right type. Some boxes can be a nightmare to install, especially if you choose wood.
PVC window boxes come fully assembled and are shipped right to your door. All you need is a few basic tools and a single afternoon to attach them to your home. Instructions are provided, and many models even include the hardware that you will need. You don’t have to be an experienced handyman to complete the job, either.
A Wide Variety of Styles
You definitely want your planters and window boxes to complement your home’s architectural style. Flowerwindowboxes.com has a large selection of styles that will match older homes as well as modern dwellings. These include:
- Modern Window Boxes
- Traditional Window Boxes
- Charleston Window Boxes
- Shaker Window Boxes
- Cape Cod Planters
- New Age Modern Planters
- Manhattan Deluxe Planters
More styles give you more options. You can easily match the flower window boxes you choose to the style of planters that you will use to accent portions of your lawn or deck. No matter the style of your home, there is an option for you. Also, PVC window boxes have a matte finish that looks like wood. It can even be painted in any color that you like.
Custom Sizing
Another feature that you should look for is custom sizing. Flowerwindowboxes.com offers custom sixes up to 16′. All that you need to do is measure the area you want to beautify and order your planters in the correct size. This makes the installation process go much smoother.
One problem with trying to assemble wooden boxes yourself is getting the measurements right. Cutting a box improperly will mean that the box isn’t square. This will lead to sagging and an uneven appearance. It is far better to get the custom size you need delivered to your home.
Easy Maintenance
What is the number one reason that many homeowners choose not to landscape or garden? The answer is maintenance. The busy lifestyles of the modern family don’t leave much time for gardening. PVC flower window boxes and planters are the answer. You can find self-watering options that will reduce the maintenance you need to do in order to keep your plants looking great.
Self-watering planters use an innovative reservoir system that means you’ll be watering about three times less than you would with other containers. This is helpful when you are away on vacation or when life gets in the way and you just don’t have time to maintain your plants.
Stick with these six features when ordering your flower window boxes and planters. Doing so will make the experience of installing and maintaining your beautiful boxes a joy, and everyone that sees them will be impressed with your expertise in home beautification.