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Pipe Industry Evolution, Trends, Phases over the Years

Time changes everything; the change is also witnessed in the pipe industry. If you look over the current trend, PPR has mounted the top position among various pipe categories, iron, PVC, CPVC, copper, etc. The installation method has also gone through a transformational phase.

Pipe companies in India have advanced their thinking and launched the pipe and fitting PPR component according to the convenience of urban and local area population needs.

The water transportation pipeline network is essential to survive, we are unable to do anything without water. The quality of water is a matter of concern, it should be pure, clean, and hygienic.

Advancement in Pipe Manufacturing Material

A few years ago, plastic and steel pipes were not that popular for water transportation. People have to cover long distances to bring water.

By considering the need for hygiene water and pure water at doorsteps, pipes came into existence. It is said that the copper pipeline was first introduced in Egypt and soon it began outside Egypt. The history of copper pipes is 3000 BC. Lead has also been included in the production of water pipes but it degrades the quality of water and causes serious health problems.

Cast iron pipes have considered maintaining the water sully and they were first introduced in France around 1500. These pipes can withstand the high-pressure application area and that raises the popularity worldwide.

In the initial 1800s, cement, steel, and RCC made pipe supported the pipeline projects. As iron is not available and we have only three alternatives for water transportation, PVC plastics made pipe have made an entry into the pipeline industry. People have not searched about the performance and drawbacks of plastic pipes. Instead, they started following the trend of the industry.

The other reason people have installed plastic pipes, at their residential and commercial water transportation facilities, is that they are easy to carry, consume less time in installation. Do not get affected by excessive fluid of liquid, chemicals and reduce the causing agents of corrosion and chemical impurities or exposure.

Before 1970, people used PVC and CPVC for cold and hot water supply, they were not aware of the installation of soil and wastewater management pipe systems. The first installation was projected in Europe. The architect, constructors, industrialists have liked and understood the approach and key benefits of PVC, CPVC plastic pipe material.

Now, PVC and CPVC are ruling worldwide because of their versatility implementation properties. The maintenance of such a pipe system was quite manageable, there was no risk of safety. Now, whichever the construction project is on the ground, people only visit PPR pipes companies in India.

For chilled water transportation, PVC was the choice, and for the heating system installation, CPVC was stored at the pipe shop. So for the different water supply, we had to install different pipe materials.

We still are feeling the need for common pipe material that can manage and fulfill both types of water supply pipeline networks including the irrigation, wastewater, and drainage system.

PPR Pipe use for Civilization and Industrial Purposes

PPR has eliminated the problem of different options in the initial 2000s. The connection technique was different in CPVC and PPR installation, CPVC is quick to install as they are connected through a specific glue or adhesive while the PPR material is set up by the hot-melt welding technology.

Multistoried buildings require material that can maintain the flow with pressure and withstand the high temperatures in every climate for underground and overground pipeline networks without producing noise. PPR claimed the place overall the measures and parameters maintaining the safety and purity.

All the residential, commercial, and industrial owners have accepted the PPR pipe and raised the bar and capitalization of the PPR pipe.

Now you can see everywhere the corrosion-free, dirt-free, chemical-free pipe supply for water transportation and gas supply that will continue for more years until something new or more innovative and more versatile material is introduced to the pipeline industry. If you are going to install a plumbing system, search for the best PPR pipes manufacturer in India.

It is one of the best materials for all types of pipeline networks so without any second thought people should purchase the right fitting materials in PPR pipe for their upcoming pipeline projects.