Hardwood floors are highly sought-after flooring option in modern as well as historic homes. With the many varieties of wood on the market it’s easy to choose a flooring that complements any design. If you’re looking to restore your hardwood flooring or are making the move for the very first time selecting a non-toxic hardwood floor finishing is vital to improve the quality of indoor air as well as creating healthier environment within your home. The majority of traditional paints and stain have harmful VOCs. Today’s emphasis on creating more eco-friendly options has prompted many companies to come up with safe alternatives. One of the best company that can help you get the eco-friendly hardwood floor refinishing in Victoria is 1 DAY Refinishing.
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Understanding VOCs
Many coatings and stains are made up of volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs. They can be capable release vapors, such as formaldehyde when heated in your home , even at normal temperatures. These vapors can trigger chronic health issues, particularly for those with recurrent lung diseases or problems. If certain paints or coatings are utilized in the home it is possible to have between two to five times the amount of VOCs in the air in the house than outdoors, reducing air quality.
When you’re trying to find healthier options You’ll see one of three rating:
No VOCs:These finishes are made from natural earth minerals, and are free of VOCs.
Zero VOCs: Some products with 5-grams of VOCs per liter or less which have an 0 VOC rating. While they’re a more secure option than the alternatives but there are still VOCs that are present.
Low VOCs: The low VOCs category of stain and paints can include up to 200 grams VOCs per liter. This is lower than traditional stain or paint however, it is not as safe as a non VOC and zero VOC rating.
Choosing a Non-Toxic Hardwood Floor Finish
A growing knowledge regarding VOCs and the risks associated with their use has prompted companies to develop low-VOC alternatives for stains and coatings. If your goal is to ensure the most healthy living space for your family picking an organic hardwood floor stain and sealer is crucial.
When it comes to selecting the right polyurethane, there are two primary choices, oil-based polyurethanes as well as water-based polyurethanes. Most often, polyurethanes made from oil contain more VOCs. Water-based polyurethanes are an excellent more hygienic alternative. They clear up in a short time and have very little smell. The quick drying properties of water-based polyurethane makes it easier to apply several coats. However, the water-based polyurethane has an expensive price compared to the oil-based versions and may get worn out faster. To counter this, simply apply the polyurethane in the manner instructed. To add a bonus water-based polyurethanes aren’t fire-proof or flammable.
Hardwood Floor Oils
If you’re looking to highlight the wood grain’s natural look and the color of your hardwood floors, oils is a good alternative. Oils, like tung oil or linseed go into the wood, rather than being atop of it. Select a clear oil to keep the natural look or choose an oil that has staining to give it more of a darker color. Applying oils to wooden floors result in the appearance of a matte look. Since it isn’t the same thickness of coating as polyurethane, floors is more prone to scratches and dents in time. While the oil itself does create an odor, this odor is not a result of VOCs, so it is safe to use in your workplace or at home.
In the past, sealants have a lot of VOCs. Some firms have begun to develop new sealants that are healthier specifically designed to keep the air that we breathe cleaner to breathe. Make sure to check labels for environmentally-friendly sealants that offer low or no VOCs. Be sure to read the labels attentively for any of three VOC ratings. Be aware that when the sealant is sold in smaller quantities than one Liter, VOC levels will not be as well-controlled. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase sealants that are in larger quantities.
Tips For Applying Your Finishes
If you live in an older home and are worried that flooring materials are releasing VOCs, you should begin by sanding away the old finish. Make sure to wear safety gear as you take off the previous coating. After the old finish is gone, you can test the new finish in a non-glaring area to ensure that you’re happy with the design. When you can are able to see it on your specific hardwood flooring, it’s time to apply the finish to the rest of the floor with the oil, polyurethane, or sealant you prefer. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely to get the highest quality results.
Making environmentally-friendly choices throughout the home will help to lower your carbon footprint and provide a clean environment for everyone who spends time inside. With the focus now on creating healthy products, it’s simple to locate the lowest or zero VOC products that offer the look you’re looking for on your hardwood floors and improve the quality of air inside your home. Selecting healthy options for the home doesn’t only mean the floor coatings that are made of wood.