Imagine what your hot tub looks like in your head. How do you see it in your mind? I’m sure you’ve imagined how beautiful that space is — sparkling water, pulsing massage jets, maybe even amazing lighting at night. Maybe the cover never crossed your mind. You can save money on your electric bill by keeping your hot tub covered so that it remains free of debris, and energy efficient. Keeping the water in the tub will also save you money.
What have you done lately to take care of your spa cover after all that it does for you?
Table of Contents
What Effect Does A Hot Tub Cover Have On My Electric Bill?
When you think about how a hot tub works, you know that even when it is not in use, water is always in motion. The Caldera® hot tub is designed to be as energy efficient as possible throughout its operation. In older hot tubs, for instance, the thermostat is often turned down if the tub is not being used, thereby saving energy. By designing a modern hot tub heater with a motor, you can keep your hot tub at the temperature you want to save energy and have your hot tub used more often. You can lower your electricity bills with the help of a hot tub cover. They keep heat in your hot tub.
What Are The Benefits Of A Hot Tub Cover?
Students of high school chemistry know that water changes form when heated. Steam is formed when heated water turns to gas, and some of it escapes into the atmosphere. A lot of water will be lost by steam if your hot tub is left uncovered for prolonged periods of time. The steam from the hot tub condenses back into water under your cover when you’re not using it, and is returned to your spa to be heated again. This can be accomplished by keeping your hot tub covered at all times. Whenever your hot tub isn’t in use, it is critical that you keep it covered. Fresh water is becoming increasingly expensive.
Is A New Spa Cover Necessary? How Do i Know?
If you see any signs that your hot tub cover isn’t working correctly, inspect it periodically. The lip seems to be in contact with the hot tub’s edge all the way around, isn’t it? Does the outside cover have any tears? Does the hot tub cover feel heavier than normal when you open and close it? Has the cover of your hot tub shown any signs of mold growth? Do you smell mustiness coming from your Hot Tub cover?
What Is The Lifespan Of My Hot Tub Cover?
The life of your cover depends on the conditions it is exposed to, so it is difficult to say how long it will last. Maintaining proper water chemistry, cleaning your spa cover frequently, and gently removing leaves, snow, and ice will prolong the life of your cover. Although hot tub covers are designed to withstand the elements, if you live in a severely cold climate, or in a very sunny environment (such as in desert regions), it would be beneficial to cover your hot tub with a gazebo or patio cover.
The Covers of All Books Are The Same?
You will find definite differences between the quality of the covers. Several features in the Caldera Spa Cover allow you to maximize the efficiency of your spa. Heat is insulated and trapped by its tight seal, which reduces your operating costs. Caldera Spa covers are made of marine grade vinyl and tapered for water runoff. They are custom designed for Caldera Spa hot tubs. In addition to child-resistant safety locks, Caldera covers incorporate the mounting plates necessary to attach our cover lifters. All of our covers meet or surpass all ASTM standards for UL certification.