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Rekeying vs Changing Locks

Security is a matter of utmost importance for homeowners, and one of the most critical aspects of home security is the quality and functionality of the locks. When a lock begins to exhibit signs of wear or malfunction, it raises a crucial question: should you opt for lock repair or is it time to upgrade…

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What Are the Smart Locks, Is Their Security Guaranteed

What Are the Smart Locks, Is Their Security Guaranteed

As with smart bulbs and plugs, smart locks are gaining positions as Internet of Things equipment applied to the home. We tell you what they are, compatibility and how smart locks work. Smart Electronic Locks Smart electronic locks are gaining popularity among supporters of the connected home and the application of the Internet of Things…

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Home Security Tips for Students Living Away

Home Security Tips for Students Living Away

Students who have moved out of their houses are on their own. This means that the safety of their whereabouts is entirely dependent on them. Whether you are a student living in a rented apartment, or you are staying in a college hostel, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind…

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Why You Need To Have A Locksmith With You During An Eviction Service

Why You Need To Have A Locksmith With You During An Eviction Service

If you own a rental property, be it a residential or a commercial unit(s), you may need to carry out an eviction process. You may even have handled on of these situations already. A locksmith is an important part of this process. And they can help streamline your eviction in a number of ways. These…

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