Itchy red bumps on your skin, accompanied by multiple potentially deadly diseases, caused by insects flying into your house at night!
It was actually about mosquitoes in that paragraph. You can effectively eradicate bed bugs from your home. They don’t carry diseases, and they only fly on commercial airlines.
In your lifetime you have been exposed to mosquitoes and have learned how to cope with them, and bed bugs are nowhere near as bad. People panic when bed bug infestations occur and end up doing unnecessary things to eliminate them, which makes things worse. For more information, visit unkrautvernichter-shop.de.
Learn your enemies’ names
The bed bug is here to stay, and most people will come into contact with them periodically. You will have greater success avoiding, containing and eliminating them if you take a few deep breaths, learn their habits and weaknesses. It is necessary to prepare a response plan in advance since most mistakes are made within 24 hours of seeing a bed bug.
Basically, bed bugs begin as eggs that stick tightly to surfaces near where their mothers have eaten. After consuming blood, they become brown in color. They hatch from translucent tiny critters. When they reach adulthood, they shed their skins. In contrast to mosquitoes, they do not go through a pupal stage (cocoon-like) and they do not have wings.
These insects can live for several years, searching for food throughout the entire time. Three bites leave three itchy, red bumps on the skin as they get full for the night. It is also possible for them to live for several months without feeding if they live in a cool, dry place.
Do not migrate your bed bug population
Although bed bugs can’t fly, they’re as fast as ants. If you leave the room where you saw them, you can’t get away from them. Once they’ve followed you, they’ll be in two separate rooms. It is a rookie mistake to change bedrooms or sleep on the couch when hiring an exterminator.
Due to bed bugs’ tendency to seek out humans (or pets) at night, you can contain an infestation if you continue to sleep in the same room. They are attracted to carbon dioxide from human breath. If you move, they will find you; if there is food, they will stay. In addition to not liking light, bed bugs will also flee when the lights are on. If there is darkness in the infested room, and there is light in the uninfested room, this serves to discourage mice from wandering. When the lights come on, they bite exposed areas of the body, allowing them to flee quickly. Also, they are good at not waking a sleeping person – they seldom bite the head.
You cannot buy a bug spray or bomb that will cure bed bug infestations without a license. It will only annoy them, cause them to hide in new places, and cost you more money in the long run. If you want to use a dust made of dried tiny, spiny sea creatures, you can use diatomaceous earth, which you can buy at home and garden stores. There is no poison in it, and it kills insects without repelling them. To kill bugs that are moving around the room from their daytime hiding places, use it around the legs of the bed and around the edges of the room.
Having a professional exterminator on call will not cure your bed bug problem completely, but it will keep it from exploding if your finances do not allow you to hire one immediately.
The bed bug likes to hide in clothing, purses, backpacks, and luggage, which allows them to travel from house to house. The bed bugs will emerge to look for a new hiding place in dimly lit areas when those objects are not moved. Once they have found a new hiding place, they will proceed to find a new home. Children’s sleepovers, diner booths, the space under bus seats, or shared coat and purse storage lockers are all frequent breeding grounds for bed bugs. Be aware of bed bugs when returning home after spending time in a dark place.
Having your mattress dragged out to the street is absolutely wonderful for bed bugs, by the way. Avoid it at all costs! You’ll simply find their eggs in your living room, infest your sofa and chairs, and then the sanitation workers will take them home. However, the sanitation workers probably no longer pick up mattresses without covers, so the bugs will wander back into yours and your neighbors’ homes.