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A Simple Guide to Ductless Air Conditioner Installation Costs

A Simple Guide to Ductless Air Conditioner Installation Costs

Your home is sweltering. You need to have a new AC unit installed in a hurry! May we suggest going with a ductless air conditioner?

They’re quicker to install than a traditional system, so you won’t have to cook for too long. They also offer temperature control in every room. That means your family won’t squabble over the thermostat.

The question is, how much does it cost to install one of these systems? The answer is that it depends. There are a lot of factors that will go into your bill.

We can help break things down for you. Check out this guide to learn how much you can expect to spend.

Number of Rooms

How many rooms do you have in your home? Depending on your answer, the price quote you get from will go up.

Let’s say that you want one in your kitchen, the kid’s room, the master bedroom, and the living room.

That will call for four indoor units. The good news is that you’ll only need one outdoor one. They can support about 8 rooms at once, unless the rooms you want to cool are spaced far apart.

To break all this into pricing, a single zone split can cost around $5,000 to install. A four-zone mini-split AC unit might run the price of your ductless air conditioner installation up to $7,000

Size of the System

When we say the size of the system, we don’t mean the actual size. We mean how much heat the air conditioner can clear from a room in an hour.

If you buy a system that’s too small to try to save money, it won’t be able to do its job. On the flip side, if you buy a system that’s too large, it will do its job a bit too well.

It will cool a room in no time, and then turn off. That wouldn’t be too bad if it didn’t run your electricity bill up. The air conditioner installation company will sit down with you and help you decide which option would be best for your home.

The Contractor

Some mini-split AC installation companies charge more than others. You might pay more because of the location you’re in.

If the company has to do a bunch of additional labor like reworking your home’s electrical capacity, so it can handle your new system, it’s going to cost you.

We recommend calling a few different companies to get a quote. That way you can do price comparisons to find the best deal.

As a side note, don’t hire a company that can’t give you a written cost estimate.

Installing a Ductless Air Conditioner in Your House

If you need to cool your house down in a hurry, we recommend having a ductless air conditioner installed.

They’re more expensive than traditional systems, but they’ll cool your home down fast. They’re also energy-efficient and will prevent your family from fighting over the thermostat. What’s not to love?

For more information on ductless AC units and their benefits, visit the Home Improvement section of our blog.

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