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A Guide to Changing Armored Locks

A Guide to Changing Armored Locks

It seems like every day there is a news report about a burglary in a citizen’s house. Oftentimes even the most modern security systems do not suffice. Therefore, sometimes even the most technological burglar alarm systems are insufficient. How can we keep intruders away from our homes? We should install a security door. The passage of time affects even this instrument, despite its resistance. For this reason, it must be properly maintained. Typically, the armored door lock is the one that needs to be repaired most often. In the following article, you will discover more about cambio serratura porta blindata.

Identify Which Lock Is Malfunctioning

There are a few types of locks that are widely used, such as the European cylinder type that comes with a strong, secure key. Break-in attempts using picks, tears, and drilling with a drill will not harm the European cylinder. There are locks for armored doors that cost anywhere between 100 euros and 300 euros. Changing the lock on an armored door requires no specialized equipment or knowledge, just a little manual labor.

Get Rid of the Handles

It is necessary to remove the handles first. Removing the small screws holding the door to the frame is the next step. As well, take the box out in its entirety and unscrew the locking system. Install the new lock by placing it in the lock slot now. There may not be enough space for the new lock (a matter of a few millimeters), then file the internal parts of the door (those in contact with the lock) as this will facilitate its insertion. Alternatively, if the accommodation is too large, add wooden slats or cardboard. The jamb should now be replaced with a metal plate.

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It is Time to Replace the Cylinder

As an alternative, you can replace only the cylinder and not the entire lock if you have a new lock but have lost or broken the key of a European cylinder lock. A special card certifies the legitimate ownership of keys to simpler locks. Also available are electronic locks with digitized keys or biometric scanners. This requires a special code to be inserted in the door together with a new key, so that the system can be reset.

You may not always think it is as simple as you think to mount an armored lock. It is essential to take certain precautions in order to guarantee its efficiency. Using the Internet, you can find instructions and diagrams to help you if you have never installed an armored lock before.

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