Despite the innovations made in water filtering technology over the years, water contamination remains as a significant problem throughout the world. Even in some of the most developed countries in the nation, issues within water filtering infrastructure can result in massive exposure to contaminated drinking water. This contaminated water could lead to those exposed facing serious illnesses. Different viruses, bacteria and parasites have the ability to sneak their way into nearby flowing rivers, lakes or even streams that contribute to the water sources that our families are so dependent on.
These reasons indicate just how imperative it is to maintain the highest quality care in regards to treatment of all local water supplies. With enough attention to detail, we can ensure that every family is sipping the purest water possible when they flip the faucet up. If we fail to accomplish this, families can face serious exposure to some nasty contaminants that have been known to cause illnesses that could have life-threatening effects.
This post, and accompanying infographic, will detail some of those contaminants that could be lurking throughout the home:
This pesky bacteria is the catalyst for Legionnaires’ disease. This disease is a flu-like illness that targets the lungs. Primary symptoms will include coughing and shortness of breath, however regular vomiting and muscle aches have also been reported as common symptoms. Typically the way in which people are infected by this bacteria is through contaminated water droplets being breathed in. While this infection is much more common in larger buildings, taking the steps to avoid exposure in the home is highly suggested.
Some may only recognize E.coli as a bacteria found in the digestive systems of some living organisms, however, it is also been known to infect those exposed to it through drinking water supplies. The way in which water becomes infected with E.coli is fairly simple. Without proper care, wastewater can contaminate freshwater supplies. Alternatively, wastewater can also be casted into freshwater supplies through natural events such as a severe storm. In the home, something as simple as a children failing to wash their hands can lead to a whole family being exposed to this bacteria. Those exposed typically cite severe abdominal cramping and stomach related issues such as vomiting and diarrhea.
A more complex pathogen, but equally as contagious as those previous, Pseudomonas has infected those worldwide with a variety of different illness. Ranging from pneumonia, sepsis, to even urinary tract infections, the United States sees nearly 50,000 infected each year. Largely in part as to how common it is to come into contact with the pathogen. In the home, it is typically found in most plumbing systems including your pipes and drains. However, anything exposed to water or soil infected by this pathogen can cause infection. Fruits or vegetables not properly washed, for example is one way in which your family can be infected.
Now these are only a few of of the bacterias that can find their way into your home and threaten your family. In order to best avoid these along with the rest, it’s important to educate your family regarding the dangers of these bacteria and common ways in which they can be infected. Most importantly, remember to conduct routine maintenance on all plumbing and water supplies throughout the home,
Chris Ebener is a mechanical engineer for LiquiTech, with a proven track record of diagnosing and remediating public water system issues of various sizes and complexity. Ebener is an expert on the biochemical makeup of facility water systems, system architecture and various methodologies of public drinking water treatment.