Did you know that the hottest temperature ever recorded was in Death Valley, CA? Back in 1913, an official registered temperature of 134 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded!
While we haven’t quite hit those temperatures again, we can’t deny that summers are sweltering, especially as global warming gets worse. And because of that, you need to make sure your air conditioning is working before the high temps really kick in!
To ensure that you stay cool this summer (and the rest), here are 5 summer HVAC tips you should follow!
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Check the Air Filter
In general, you should be checking the air filter for your HVAC system regularly. This is because without good airflow, your HVAC system will work harder than it should. Plus, it won’t work as efficiently as it can either, since barely any air can pass through.
So before it gets hot, take out your HVAC unit’s air filter and take a good look at it. Hold it up to the light and if no rays pass through, this is a clear indication that you need to swap it out for a new one.
In some cases, you might be able to get away with just cleaning the air filter. Whatever the situation is, just make sure you check the air filter and ensure that it’s clean so your HVAC system can work smarter. This is one of our best energy-saving tips for the summer!
Set Your Thermostat Correctly and Check It
Depending on where you live, your thermostat might be set for something completely different from hot summer weather. Many places in the US get mild springtime weather, so if this sounds like your area, then you’ll want to pay attention here.
Be sure to switch those springtime settings to summer ones so you’re not left sitting there, wondering why you’re sweating uncomfortably. But also, don’t set the temperature too low. This will overwork your AC unit and will cause extra wear and tear.
You’ll also want to check the batteries and replace them if they’re getting low. If you’ve been having constant issues with your thermostat and changing the battery doesn’t help, then you might want to consider having it replaced so it doesn’t act up during extreme weather.
Clean Your AC Unit
Your AC unit is probably outside, so if there are any summer HVAC maintenance tips you should listen to, then it’s this one!
Take advantage of the better weather by going out and cleaning your HVAC system. More specifically, you’ll want to get off dirt, dust, grass, and other debris from your condenser unit.
Start by pulling all these things out with your hands. Then, turn off your HVAC unit and then hose it off.
You’ll also want to check the fan and clean that too. This will get your unit nice and clean so it can operate efficiently. Should you notice any damage, you’ll want to call a professional so they can come replace it ASAP.
If you want to learn more about these parts, then check out the Schneider Mechanical condensers guide.
Check That Your System’s Draining
Your AC unit will have a condensate drain. Don’t forget to check this part regularly, as it can get blocked with debris as well.
If this happens, there will be a backup, which means water will overflow. As a result, you’ll suffer from property damages as the overflow can get onto your flooring and even into your furnace.
So while you’re cleaning your HVAC unit, take a moment to check behind it and see that there’s no debris in the condensate drain.
You can also go the extra mile and clean it out. All you need to do is flush it with 1/4th cup of distilled vinegar, peroxide, or hot water with some dish soap.
Once 30 minutes have passed, you can then flush the drain with some water. Take this opportunity to check that the drain is indeed flowing freely. You should do this at least once a month.
Schedule Maintenance With HVAC Professionals
You should never fail to schedule maintenance with HVAC professionals! Generally, it’s recommended that you have 2 checks per year: once in the spring, and once in the fall.
Before summer arrives, give your local HVAC experts a call. They’ll be able to thoroughly inspect your HVAC system, top up fluids, and can even perform the above maintenance steps so you don’t have to. This also ensures that the tasks are done correctly so you have peace of mind.
Regular maintenance is important because sometimes, your AC might have something wrong with it and you don’t even suspect a thing. By the time you think something’s wrong, the small matter might’ve gotten so big that it’ll be costly and time-consuming for an HVAC technician to deal with it.
So don’t try to save a buck by skipping out on HVAC maintenance. In the end, it’ll save you money since it’ll prolong the life of your HVAC unit and prevent you from buying another one prematurely.
Use These Summer HVAC Tips to Stay Cool
With our summer HVAC tips, you won’t have to worry about your HVAC system breaking down when you need it the most.
So don’t get lazy or neglect your HVAC unit. By investing some time into maintaining it properly, and some money into hiring an HVAC tech, you’ll be rewarded when the summer heat kicks it up a notch. Your household will stay cool, comfortable, and happy!
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