The pandemic drove something of a boom in home renovations. It makes sense, as people spent so much more time in their homes. Things that only bothered them sometimes became constant daily annoyances.
Of course, one part of the home that often gets scant attention is your roof. For most people, an up-close look at their roof only comes after some kind of disaster. Unless that disaster comes, you probably only ever see your roof from the distance or at a poor angle from the ground.
Unfortunately, that means that many homeowners miss early signs of roofing problems. If you don’t keep a close eye on your roof, here are five of the more common roofing issues you may see.
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One of the more troubling problems that homeowners can face is a leaky roof. Once water starts coming in through your roof, it can destroy ceilings, walls, insulation, and even harm your electrical system.
If you find a roof leak, it’s usually best if you consult with professional roof repair services. They can assess the damage and provide quotes for repairs.
Missing or Damaged Shingles
Missing or damaged shingles can stem from a few things. Severe weather with high winds is a common culprit. Age can contribute as well.
Shingles come with an adhesive on the back. Simple age can cause the adhesive to fail.
Tree Damage
Another very common problem is damage from trees. Severe weather can knock over entire trees, which may land on your roof.
More often, though, the weather rips a limb off a tree and drops it onto your roof. This problem can affect homes even if you make sure that there are no trees close to the house. Flying limbs can damage roofing materials or even puncture your roof.
Animal and Insect Activity
Small animals and insects, such as carpenter ants or termites, can cause substantial damage not only to your roof but the rest of your home as well. If you find evidence of animal activity or insect activity near your roof, you should call in a pest removal service.
Dislodging pests is almost always cheaper than repairing a roof.
Clogged Gutters
Clogged gutters are one of those roofing problems that people don’t always recognize. As the water overflows the gutter, it can force water into your eaves. That can trigger rotting in the wood and end with costly roof repairs.
Roofing Problems and You
Any homeowner should expect the possibility of roofing problems. There are too many things that can damage your roof and you can’t stop many of them, like time or storms.
Your best course of action to prevent major roofing issues is to take proactive steps to catch minor roofing problems. Talk with a local roofing pro and set up an annual roofing inspection. These inspections can alert you to minor problems, which lets you fix them while it’s affordable.
Looking for more roofing tips and advice? Check out some of the posts over in our Roofing section.